Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WHO AM I ???

Well what I'm not is a writer, so you probably won't see too many of these type posts. But since it's my first I thought I'd give you a little background. I've been producing music professionally for about 3 years now. I was a drummer in rock bands before that. At some point along the way I grew tired of being "just the drummer". After countless bands and a number of close calls with rock stardom I began to realize I couldn't depend on 3 or 4 other band members to have the same level of commitment as I did. For me music has always been an all consuming passion. I've had a love affair with it for as long as I can remember.

After the last band I was in imploded I began to feel a little to old and fat to compete with the 19 year old screamo kids. I also like regular fitting jeans and t-shirt's, and putting on good shows. So I knew that going the indie/hipster route wasn't for me.

Although I've always played in rock bands, I love most types of music. One day I was hanging out with a good friend of mine that also happens to be one of the most talented musicians and producers I've ever met. He suggested buying some music software and trying to make hip hop. I'm a drummer so I understand rhythm. I also thought I understood song structure. In addition to that I've always had melodies running through my head. Turns out I sucked at the beginning. I enjoyed it from the start but it took a year or two of constant learning and beat making before I could get any rapper worth a darn to rap on my beats.

Its been an ongoing learning experience for me. If you plan to be relevant in the music industry I think constant learning and being open to new ideas, technology and music is paramount. Well that, and a little talent.

I would consider myself a modern music producer. I've only produced and written music on a computer. Most of the sounds I use are software based as well. Usually some combination of third party plug-ins. My daw of choice is Logic Pro 9.

I think I have music attention deficit disorder. I can only produce one genre for so long before I have to attempt different styles and genres of music. The music I tend to create is always some type of hybrid anyway. An amalgam of genres if you will. I've never made a "real hip hop" track in my life. I tend to lean to the pop side of genres. I like what ever I'm listening to or creating to be catchy, memorable, and have some type of emotion. I make pop, hip hop, rock and various forms of electronic music. Someone once said that music is what feelings sound like. I think they were right.

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